Meet The Attorneys

Attorney John Driscoll has over 20 years of experience representing clients in serious injury cases. If you have a serious injury or experienced the wrongful death of a loved one, John will get you the money you need and deserve from those at fault and their insurance companies. “At the end of the day, success in this business means getting money for clients. It’s something I’m good at and something I enjoy. Money can’t fix everything, but it sure helps.” - John Driscoll

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JOHN HAS extensive experience in both Maine and New HampshirE GETTING MAXIMUM MONEY FOR SERIOUSLY INJURED PEOPLE.     

Attorney Amy Driscoll initially studied overseas in Belgium obtaining a degree in English Literature from the University of Maryland with a 3.9 grade point average.  After living in Europe for eight years, she returned to the United States and obtained her law degree in 1998 while raising three children.  She deferred active practice to raise her now six children, but with them grown, she has spent the past decade becoming one of the most formidable and effective family law attorneys in New Hampshire. She consistently outworks and outperforms her opponents both before and during trial. Our clients routinely praise her, not only for her outstanding legal work, but for her compassion and common sense.  She is a fierce advocate, but also a reasonable and kind person, drawing on each strength as necessary in each case. If you are going through a difficult divorce or other family issue, you can not find a better ally and advocate than Amy.


"Good judgment is rare, and when you are in a personal crisis and need help, Amy is the perfect partner and advocate."